Sunday 15 February 2009

Snow, Toad and Working hard

Well it's been over 2 weeks since I last updated this blog, so what has happened in my life in Exeter?

Well the most exciting thing was the snow. It is great how at the darkest most miserable part of the year nature decides to throw down a nice clean white sheet of snow to reflect the light and make things feel cheery again. Anyone who knows me knows that I love snow. Hours spend gazing out the window and checking the BBC Weather website.

In all the excitement I forgot to take any pictures, so it was starting to melt away by the time I took these. As you can see in fact it was glorious blue sky!

snow in exeter 002 snow in exeter 008

snow in exeter 006 snow in exeter 004

The snow did mean that a few people did not make it into work over the last few weeks, making an already busy time doubly as busy. A combination of factors has made it very stressful and manic at work, but I know it is only a phase and we will pass through it - which makes it a little more bearable!

I have been finding time to relax though, mostly either in the form of ploughing through an Ian Rankin book while sat with a pint of Black Prince (St Austell Ales) in the Mill on the Exe, or trying to complete all the levels of Mario Kart Wii (as trusty Toad, pictured!)


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