Friday, 19 September 2008

SPCK Bookshop Exeter - R.I.P.

SPCK closed Exeter

It looks like the shop that I spent many years working in, and was much loved by its staff and customers over the years has finally closed closed down.

SPCK closed Exeter

Of course it was only a shell of a business in the last few years anyway, with no new stock and terrible mismanagement and sporadic opening hours (and weeks on end of being closed), but still, it is a sad sight to see it stripped bare of stock. I hope my former colleague won't mind me quoting from an email she sent me yesterday (edited to take some names and local context out).

"I saw a notice declaring a Closing Down Sale with an offer of 40% off all stock.
However, whatever staff they had employed were told this morning that the shop was closing today... later there were two men there and cartons (presumably of books) stacked waiting to be loaded. They said they had had instructions to clear everything... the entire stock was being transferred to York."

She goes on to say how upsetting she found the sight, and I have to agree (as I sure you can from the pictures) that seeing the shop looking this way, when it was once a thriving hub of activity in the Cathedral area and wider community in Exeter is very sad.

SPCK closed Exeter

SPCK closed Exeter

SPCK closed Exeter

Of course for many the saga continues, the Brewers (the American brothers who took over the shop from SPCK) have found themselves in court for various reasosn in the UK and in the states, and many former employees lives have been ruined by the actions of their management. You can follow the saga on this blog

SPCK closed Exeter

"...this really looks like the end of the shop."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read of this; and my prayers for all who find themselves out of work.